1st Samuel 7:3 "If you are really serious about wanting to return to the Lord, get rid of your foreign gods and your images...Determine to obey only the LORD; then he will rescue you..."
Today the Lord showed me what this meant.
He wants us to rid ourselves of the false gods, and all the false hopes! Why do we cloud ourselves with lies and with false securities??
I remember when I clouded my mind and my body with toxic smoke every day...
It toxified my spirit more than my body . I had anxiety from the moment I opened my eyes till the second I closed them at night. I would smoke and smoke and smoke and then say
"God please help me!"
Why would Jesus sooth my nerves when I am full of TCH? Why would he give me "peace that surpasses all understanding" at that time?! Chances are if I found true peace during those times I would not have given the glory to God.. Not at all. I would have credited it to a substance.
I was still full of anxiety and felt like I had now way out. Yet I continued to smoke this every day.. and wondered why Jesus didn't take away my anxiety. Anxiety that made me worry, cry, and shake with the fear of the unknown. The anxiety that came directly from the enemy.
I even went to the Doctor and was put on medicine for my anxiety and depression.
Then one day I got before the throne of the King..I saw how worthy he was and how sickly I was. Then I was told "I love you! Katie, your name I keep!" He wanted me, he wanted me right where I was at...
God sees within our hearts, he sees the dying, starving, needy souls that cry out. His Love and grace allow us to get rid of the idols that we place before Him.
For me it was pot..cigarettes..sleeping pills.
Now dont get me wrong..I'm not saying we have to be perfect to come to Him. Because that's far from the truth! But the Truth is that he longs for us to get desperate.
He waits to hear us cry out "LORD I HAVE NOTHING..I NEED YOU!"
Then he rides in. He throws us on the back of his horse, rounds up all the shame, fear, sin and hurt and all the lies then throws them at the foot of a Love soaked cross where they disappear.
He wants be the the apple of our eye..the Love of our lives.
He is a God of love and compassion, mercy and kindness.. but forget not my friends that he is also the FIERCE King of Glory. He is jealous for our hearts. He wants all of us so he can pour out what he desires. And he wants the Glory. Don't be mistaken..our God is HOLY and perfect.
He doesn't want to share you. He wants all of you so you can have all of Him.
If you don't have all of Him, let me tell you friends..you are missing out. Coming from an ex addict, a zombie addicted to the world..that HE FUFILLS. Knowing Him is better than any selfish thing I've ever done or had. And all it costed me was my disgusting habits and my selfishness. I laid myself down before that all knowing Perfect One and saw that he is more worthy than I could have ever known.
And when I got rid of the blinders, I was able to see my Knight and Shining armor. Standing lovingly over me saying "Here I am. I am yours and you are mine..Ride away with me Beloved"
Love your testimony ... He does love as just as we are, but thank goodness He won't allow us to stay that way ... and yes! He will help us get rid of all that junk when we start behaving in obedience to Him ... and begin to do our part! So nice to meet you, Katie!